Seen as a whole, the AB takes us in and out of the drug hallucination Sherlock is experiencing as he flies back home from five minutes of exile for killing Charles Augustus Magnusson because according to broadcast television evidence, James Moriarty is still alive and all London is in a panic. Rather than complaining because I didn’t get my way, I decided to submit to a reality check then I got over myself enough to enjoy The Abominable Bride on their terms.

It’s obvious they have deep affection for these characters and stories because they are retold with humor and insight, but Moffat and Gatiss re-construct the well-known plots with unusual twists or they always employ an unorthodox perspective on the standard canon. Somehow I had developed an unrealistic yearning to spend the whole action of the story in Conan Doyle’s era, enjoying Holmes and Watson exclusively in their original setting, but I was ignoring the essence of what Moffat and Gatiss always do with Conan Doyle’s characters and plots. Having had a bit of time to think about and see the latest Moffat and Gatiss Sherlock a time or two, I have to admit I like it now much better than I did initially.